A-V Formulation
To describe the behavior of magnetic field of magnet, we solve the Maxwell equations with Maxwell Quasi Static approximations. To solve numerically those equations, we will use the classical A-V Formulation.
1. Maxwell Equations
1.1. In general case
The Maxwell equations govern the electromagnetism.
\(\mu\), \(\sigma\) and \(\epsilon\) depend on the material.
The current density \(\mathbf{J}\) is a function of electric field intensity \(\mathbf{E}\). This function varies according to the material :
Non-conducting materials : \(\textbf{J} = 0\)
Ressitive materials : \(\textbf{J} = \sigma \textbf{E}\) with \(\sigma\) constant (Ohm law)
Superconductors : \(\textbf{E}-\textbf{J}\) power law
1.2. Approximation in Maxwell Quasi Static
The MQS (Maxwell Quasi Static) approximation consists in neglecting the so-called displacement current, (\(\frac{\partial \textbf{D}}{\partial t} \approx 0\)). In this context, the equations become :
With the notations :
2. A-V formulation
In this paragraphe, we introduce magnetic potential field \(\mathbf{A}\) and electric potential scalar \(V\).
In the sequel, we will use the following notations :
\(\Omega\) the domain, consisting of conductor (or superconductor) domains \(\Omega_c\) and non conducting materials \(\Omega_n\) (\(\mathbf{J} = 0\)) like the air.
\(\Gamma = \partial \Omega\) the boundary of \(\Omega\),
\(\Gamma_c = \partial \Omega_c\) the boundary of \(\Omega_c\),
\(\Gamma_D\) the boundary with Dirichlet boundary condition and
\(\Gamma_N\) the boundary with Neumann boundary condition
\(\mathbf{n}\) denotes the exterior normal on \(\Gamma\) to \(\Omega\).
2.1. Differential Formulation
From Maxwell-Thomson, we can define the magnetic potential field \(\textbf{A}\) on \(\Omega\) such as:
To ensure \(A\) uniqueness, we need to add a gauge condition :
The Maxwell-Faraday equation may then be rewritten as :
Similarly, we can define the electric scalar potential \(V\) as :
It follows :
with Maxwell-Ampere :
Finally, Maxwell-Ampere and conservation of current density (\(\nabla \cdot J = 0\)), on \(\Omega_c\), give :
In conclusion, the A-V Formulation (with boundary conditions) consists in the following set of equations with associated boundary conditions:
2.2. Weak Formulation
In this subsection, we express the weak formulation of A-V Formulation with Dirichet and Neumann boundary conditions.
We introduce the set :
The set \(H^{curl}(\Omega)\) is a Hilbert space with the scalar product :
2.2.1. First equation
We express the weak formulation of first equation of (AV-1) (for \(\mathbf{A}\) unknown).
By multiplying (AV-1) by \(\mathbf{ϕ} \in H^{curl}(\Omega)\) and integrating over \(\Omega\), we obtain :
Since \(\nabla \cdot (\textbf{u} \times \textbf{v}) = \textbf{v} \cdot (\nabla \times \textbf{u}) - \textbf{u} \cdot (\nabla \times \textbf{v})\) :
Using the Divergence Theorem, it follows :
Noting that \(\textbf{u} \cdot (\textbf{v} \times \textbf{w}) = \textbf{w} \cdot (\textbf{u} \times \textbf{v}) = \textbf{v} \cdot (\textbf{w} \times \textbf{u})\) on \(\Gamma_D\) or \(\Gamma_N\) :
We impose the following boundary conditions :
Dirichlet : \(\mathbf{A} \times \mathbf{n} = 0\) on \(\Gamma_D\)
Neumann : \(\left( \nabla \times \mathbf{A} \right) \times \mathbf{n} = 0\) on \(\Gamma_N\)
We obtain :
2.2.2. Second equation
We express the weak formulation of (AV-2) (for \(V\) unknown).
By mutliplying by (AV-2) \(\mathbf{\psi} \in H^1(\Omega_c)\) and integrating on \(\Omega_c\), we have :
Since \(\nabla \cdot (u \cdot v) = v \cdot \nabla u + u \nabla \cdot v\) :
Appling the Divergence Theorem :
As \(\mathbf{J} \cdot \mathbf{n} = 0\) on \(\Gamma_c\), we finally get using \(\mathbf{J} = \sigma \mathbf{E} = - \sigma \, \left( \nabla V + \frac{d \mathbf{A}}{d t} \right)\):
2.2.3. The MQS system
From (Weak AV-1) and (Weak AV-2), we obtain the weak formulation of A-V Formulation :
2.3. Time Discretization
In this section, we see the Weak formulation of A-V Formulation with time discretization by backward Euler method.
We discretize in time the problem with time step \(\Delta t\).
We note \(f^n(\mathbf{x}) = f(n\Delta t, \mathbf{x})\), for \(n \in \mathbb{N}\).
We have the approximation with backward Euler method : \(\frac{d \mathbf{A}}{d t} \approx \frac{\mathbf{A}^{n+1}-\mathbf{A}^n}{\Delta t}\).
The equations Weak formulation of A-V Formulation becomes :
3. Magnetostatic Case
This section presents the AV-Formulation for the stationary regime as a special case of MQS. We assume that all parameters are time independent.
3.1. Differential Equation
As all time derivates are null by hypothesis, the differential formulation of A-V Formulation becomes :
3.2. Weak Formulation
The weak formulation of A-V Formulation becomes :
4. Documentation
Potential Formulations in Magnetics applying the Finite Element Mehtod, Miklòs Kuczmann, Laboratory of Electromagneic Fields "Széchenyi István" University Gyorn, 2009, Download the PDF
Finite-Element Formulation for Systems with High-Temperature Superconductors, Julien Dular, Christophe Gauzaine, Benoît Vanderheyden, IEEE Transactions on Applied Superconductivity VOL. 30 NO. 3, April 2020, Download the PDF