A-V Formulation with gauge condition
In section General Case, we compute a formulation of Maxwell equation in Maxwell Quasi Static approximation, the A-V Formulation with gauge condition on potential magnetic field :
1. Transient Case
1.1. A-V Formulation
This section recalls the A-V Formulation :
Thus \(\Omega\) the domain, comprising the conductor (or superconductor) domain \(\Omega_c\) and non conducting materials \(\Omega_n\) (\(\mathbf{J} = 0\)) like air. Let \(\Gamma = \partial \Omega\) the bound of \(\Omega\), \(\Gamma_c = \partial \Omega_c\) the bound of \(\Omega_c\), \(\Gamma_D\) the bound with Dirichlet boundary condition and \(\Gamma_N\) the bound with Neumann boundary condition, such that \(\Gamma = \Gamma_D \cup \Gamma_N\).
We introduce :
Magnetic potential field \(\mathbf{A}\) : \(\textbf{B} = \nabla \times \textbf{A}\)
Electric potential scalar : \(\nabla V = - \textbf{E} - \frac{\partial \textbf{A}}{\partial t}\)
We want to resolve the electromagnetism problem ( with \(\mathbf{A}\) and \(V\) the unknows) :
1.2. Differential Formulation
We simplificate the A-V Formulation with the gauge condition :
\(\nabla \cdot \mathbf{A} = 0\)
With this conditions, we have :
With \(\Delta \mathbf{A}\) the vectorial Laplacian of \(\mathbf{A}\).
The A-V Formulation becomes :
1.3. Weak Formulation
By making scalar product with \(\mathbf{ϕ} \in H^{1}(\Omega)\) and integration on first equation of (AV+gauge-1) :
We impose the boundary conditions :
Dirichlet : \(\mathbf{A} \times \mathbf{n} = 0\) on \(\Gamma_D\)
Neumann : \(\left( \nabla \times \mathbf{A} \right) \times \mathbf{n} = 0\) on \(\Gamma_N\)
The weak formulation of second equation of (AV+gauge) is the same like second equation of (AV).
Thus, we obtain :
2. Magnetostatic Case
This section presents the AV-Formulation in stationary case. In this section we consider all parameters be dependant by time. Thus the derivates become : \(\frac{\partial f}{\partial t} = 0\).
The equations become :
2.1. Differential Equation
The differential formulation of A-V Formulation becomes :
2.2. Weak Formulation
The weak formulation of A-V Formulation becomes :