Master CSMI : Scientific Computation and Mathematics of Innovation 2023-2024

Master CSMI in brief

The Master CSMI is a top-ranking program in applied mathematics and computer science at the University of Strasbourg.

Artificial intelligence (AI)

Embark on a journey with our master’s track in Applied Mathematics and Computer Science, where cutting-edge AI courses like Scientific Machine Learning (SciML) equip you with the indispensable skills to tackle real-world challenges.

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Modeling, Simulation, Optimization (MSO)

Explore the field of Modeling, Simulation, and Optimization with our master’s track, where courses like Numerical Methods for Partial Differential Equations and Optimization Control provide a solid academic foundation, equipping you with computational skills to address real-world challenges.

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Project Based

Embark on a practical learning journey with our master’s track, where some project-based courses, including collaborations with industry and academia, provide a hands-on curriculum, equipping you with real-world problem-solving skills, and preparing you for academic and professional success in a collaborative and applied learning environment.

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High performance computing (HPC)

Discover in our master’s track High Performance Computing, where courses on MPI, OpenMP, GPU Computing, and Hybrid Computing equip you with the expertise to harness computational resources, driving breakthroughs in compute and data -intensive fields.

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Data processing and mining

Embark on a journey with our master’s track in Data Processing and Mining, where courses in advanced analytics and machine learning form a solid academic foundation, empowering you with the skills to extract meaningful insights from vast data sets.

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Image and signal processing

Discover with our master’s track Image and Signal Processing, where tailored courses introduce you to visual and auditory data analysis, providing you with the skills to transform raw data into meaningful insights.

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