Source code for lorenz.parareal.parareal

import numpy as np
from mpi4py import MPI
from pyrsistent import v
from lorenz.parareal import utils

P = comm.Get_size()
rank = comm.Get_rank()

[docs]def compute_sol_k(fin,X0_k_j): """Compute the solution at the current iteration and do a gather. Args: fin (numpy.ndarray): Fine solution on the current process at the current iteration. X0_k_j (numpy.ndarray): Initial point on the current process at the current iteration. Returns: tuple: Ndarray with the number of values of solution for each process and the entire solution between t0 and T. """ sol_k_j = fin[1:].flatten() if(rank==0): temp = np.array([X0_k_j]) temp = np.append(temp,sol_k_j) sol_k_j=temp nb_tj = np.array(comm.gather(len(sol_k_j), 0)) sol_k=None if(rank==0): sol_k = np.empty(sum(nb_tj)) comm.Gatherv(sendbuf=sol_k_j, recvbuf=(sol_k, nb_tj), root=0) return nb_tj,sol_k
# P = number of processing units
[docs]def parareal_method(X0_t0,t0,T,prob,fct_res,fct_write,dt_G,dt_F,gamma=None, write_csv=True): """Parareal method. Args: X0_t0 (list): Initial point. t0 (float): Starting time. T (float): Finish time. prob (function): Function which represent the ODE. fct_res (function): Function which represent the integrator. fct_write (function): Function which write the solution in csv files. dt_G (float): Coarse time step. dt_F (float): Time step. gamma (tuple, optional): System parameters. Defaults to None. write_csv (bool, optional): Boolean to true if we want to write the solutions in a csv file. Defaults to True. Returns: numpy.ndarray: Solution at the last iteration. """ # fine integrator def F(initial_point,t_j1,t_j2): return utils.RK4(initial_point,dt_F,t_j1,t_j2,prob,gamma) # coarse intergator def G(initial_point,t_j1,t_j2): return utils.RK4(initial_point,dt_G,t_j1,t_j2,prob,gamma) ## use by rank 0 ## times = [] X0_k = np.empty((P,len(X0_t0))) coarse_k = np.empty((P-1,len(X0_t0))) #pas de valeur pour j=0 if(rank == 0): ## we initialize the time intervals for each processing units ## times=utils.compute_time(t0,T,dt_G,P) #### Iteration k=0 #### # 1 st step : compute the X0s for each tj (in sequential) # We use the coarse integrator X0_k[0] = X0_t0 X0_k_j = X0_t0 for j in range(1,P): X0_j = G(X0_k[j-1],times[j-1],times[j])[-1] X0_k[j] = X0_j comm.send(X0_k[j], dest=j, tag=j) coarse_k[j-1] = X0_j if(rank>0): X0_k_j = comm.recv(source=0, tag=rank) t_j = comm.scatter(times[:-1], root=0) t_jp = comm.scatter(times[1:], root=0) # 2nd step : compute the solution on each interval # We use the fine integrator fine = F(X0_k_j,t_j,t_jp) fine_k_j = fine[-1] fine_k = np.array(comm.gather(fine_k_j, 0)) if(write_csv): nb_tj,sol_k = compute_sol_k(fine,X0_k_j) if(rank==0): solution = [sol_k] init_pts = [X0_k] #### Following iterations (until the solution converge) #### k=1 converge=False X0_kp = np.copy(X0_k)+np.ones((len(X0_k),len(X0_t0))) while(not converge): X0_kp = np.zeros((P,len(X0_t0))) if(rank==0): X0_kp[0] = X0_k[0] X0_k_j = X0_k[0] for j in range(1,P): coarse_k_j = G(X0_kp[j-1],times[j-1],times[j])[-1] X0_kp[j] = coarse_k_j + fine_k[j-1] - coarse_k[j-1] comm.send(X0_k[j], dest=j, tag=j) coarse_k[j-1] = coarse_k_j if(rank>0): X0_k_j = comm.recv(source=0, tag=rank) fine = F(X0_k_j,t_j,t_jp) fine_k_j = fine[-1] fine_k = np.array(comm.gather(fine_k_j, 0)) if(write_csv): nb_tj,sol_k = compute_sol_k(fine,X0_k_j) if(rank==0): solution = np.concatenate((solution,[sol_k]),axis=0) init_pts = np.concatenate((init_pts,[X0_kp]),axis=0) if(rank==0): converge = utils.sol_converge(X0_k,X0_kp) comm.Barrier() converge = comm.bcast(converge, root=0) if(rank==0): X0_k = np.copy(X0_kp) k+=1 if(rank==0): print(k," itérations") if(write_csv): fct_write(t0,T,dt_F,times,nb_tj/len(X0_t0),k,solution, init_pts,len(X0_t0),prob,fct_res,gamma) return solution[k-1,:].reshape((-1,len(X0_t0))) MPI.Finalize()