Source code for lorenz.enkf.enkf

import numpy as np
from filterpy.kalman import EnsembleKalmanFilter
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import Axes3D
from scipy.integrate import solve_ivp
import time

[docs]def plot_1_fig(lorenz1,lorenz2,ind,tab_temps,tab_cov,diff,tab_x_y_z,labelx,labely): """ Parameters: lorenz1: observations,an array of vectors where each vector is of size 3, representing [x,y,z] lorenz2: model,an array of vectors where each vector is of size 3, representing [x,y,z] ind:a real representing the index we want to plot (x, y or z) tab_temps:real type array representing time tab_cov:an array of vectors where each vector is of size 3, representing variances (diag of the cov matrix associated to the state obtained through data assimilation) diff:represent the distance to create our standart deviation variance tab_x_y_z:represente an array of vectors where each vector is of size 3,array after data assimilation, representing [x,y,z] labelx:legend of the x-curve labely:legend of the y-curve Returns: return nothing but plot 3 curves as a function of ind(either x,y or z) as a function of time """ fig=plt.figure(figsize=(18,5)) ax1 = fig.add_subplot(1,3,1) ax1.plot(lorenz1[3],lorenz1[ind],label="observation (0.01)") ax1.plot(lorenz2[3],lorenz2[ind],label="Model (0.1)") ax1.plot(tab_temps,tab_x_y_z[:,ind],color='blue',label="apres l'assimilation de donnée") plt.fill_between(tab_temps,tab_x_y_z[:,ind]+(tab_cov[:,ind]+diff),tab_x_y_z[:,ind]-(tab_cov[:,ind]+diff), color='blue',alpha=0.2) plt.xlabel(labelx) plt.ylabel(labely) ax1.legend()
[docs]def plot(lorenz1,lorenz2,tab_temps,tab_x_y_z): """ Parameters: lorenz1: observations,an array of vectors where each vector is of size 3, representing [x,y,z] lorenz2: model,an array of vectors where each vector is of size 3, representing [x,y,z] tab_temps:real type array representing time tab_x_y_z:represente an array of vectors where each vector is of size 3,array after data assimilation, representing [x,y,z] Returns: return nothing but makes three different plot, in each one we will have 3 curves (observations,model and stade after data assimilation) as a function of time """ fig=plt.figure(figsize=(18,6)) ax1 = fig.add_subplot(1,3,1) ax1.plot(lorenz1[3],lorenz1[0],label="observation (0.01)") ax1.plot(lorenz2[3],lorenz2[0],label="Model (0.1)") ax1.plot(tab_temps,tab_x_y_z[:,0],label="apres l'assimilation de donnée") plt.xlabel("t") plt.ylabel("x") ax1.legend(loc='upper right') ax2 = fig.add_subplot(1,3,2) ax2.plot(lorenz1[3],lorenz1[1],label="observation (0.01)") ax2.plot(lorenz2[3],lorenz2[1],label="Model (0.1)") ax2.plot(tab_temps,tab_x_y_z[:,1],label="apres l'assimilation de donnée") plt.xlabel("t") plt.ylabel("y") ax1.legend(loc='upper right') ax3 = fig.add_subplot(1,3,3) ax3.plot(lorenz1[3],lorenz1[2],label="observation (0.01)") ax3.plot(lorenz2[3],lorenz2[2],label="Model (0.1)") ax3.plot(tab_temps,tab_x_y_z[:,2],label="apres l'assimilation de donnée") plt.xlabel("t") plt.ylabel("z") ax1.legend(loc='upper right')
[docs]def f_orcillateur(t,X_n,w): """ Parameters: X_n:un tableau de reel de taille 2 w: a real that represente the first parameter of the hamonic oscillator """ (u,v)=X_n f_1 = v f_2 =-w**2*u return np.array([f_1,f_2])
[docs]def RK4_harmonique(w,X0,N,T): """ Parameters: w: a real that represente the first parameter of the hamonic oscillator X0:a size 2 array with the initial constition, initial point. N: a real that represents the number of discritisation T: a real that represents the time interval Returns: this fonction return resolution with RK4 X[:,0]: array of x X[:,1]: array of y T_tab: array of the time """ dt=T/N X = np.zeros( (N+1, len(X0)) ) T_tab=np.zeros(N+1) X[0] = X0 t=0. #=t_0 for n in range(1,N+1): K1=f_orcillateur(t, X[n-1],w) K2=f_orcillateur(t+dt/2., X[n-1] + 1./2. * K1 * dt,w) K3=f_orcillateur(t+dt/2., X[n-1] + 1./2. * K2 * dt,w) K4=f_orcillateur(t+dt, X[n-1]+ K3 * dt,w) T_tab[n]=t+dt X[n]=X[n-1]+ dt/6.* (K1+2.*K2+2.*K3+K4) t+=dt return X[:,0],X[:,1],T_tab
[docs]def euler_explicit_harmonique(w,X0,N,T): """ Parameters: w: a real that represente the first parameter of the hamonic oscillator X0:a size 2 array with the initial constition, initial point. N: a real that represents the number of discritisation T: a real that represents the time interval Returns: this fonction return resolution with euler X[:,0]: array of x X[:,1]: array of y T_tab: array of the time """ dt=T/N X = np.zeros( (N+1, len(X0)) ) T_tab=np.zeros(N+1) X[0] = X0 t=0. for n in range(1,N+1): X[n]=[X[n-1,0]+(dt)*X[n-1,1],X[n-1,1]-w**2*X[n-1,0]*(dt)] T_tab[n]=t+dt t+=dt return X[:,0],X[:,1],T_tab
[docs]def f(t_n,X_n,σ, b, r): (x,y,z)=X_n f_1 = σ*(y-x) f_2 = x*(r-z)-y f_3 = x*y-b*z return np.array([f_1,f_2,f_3])
[docs]def RK4_Lorenz(γ,X0,N,T): """ Parameters: γ: an array of real that represente the three parameter of the lorenz system (σ, b, r) X0:a size 3 array with the initial constition, initial point (x,y,z) N: a real that represents the number of discritisation T: a real that represents the time interval Returns: this fonction return resolution with RK4 X[:,0]: array of x X[:,1]: array of y X[:,2]: array of z T_tab: array of the time """ (σ,b,r)=γ dt=T/N X = np.zeros( (N+1, len(X0)) ) T_tab=np.zeros(N+1) X[0] = X0 T_tab[0]=0 t=0. #=t_0 for n in range(1,N+1): K1=f(t, X[n-1],σ,b,r) K2=f(t+dt/2., X[n-1] + 1./2. * K1 * dt,σ,b,r) K3=f(t+dt/2., X[n-1] + 1./2. * K2 * dt,σ,b,r) K4=f(t+dt, X[n-1]+ K3 * dt,σ,b,r) T_tab[n]=t+dt X[n]=X[n-1]+ dt/6.* (K1+2.*K2+2.*K3+K4) t+=dt return X[:,0],X[:,1],X[:,2],T_tab
[docs]def fx(x,t, dt,γ): def f(t_n,X_n,γ): (x,y,z)=X_n f_1 = γ[0]*(y-x) f_2 = x*(γ[2]-z)-y f_3 = x*y-γ[1]*z return np.array([f_1,f_2,f_3]) K1=f(t, x,γ) K2=f(t+dt/2., x + 1./2. * K1 * dt,γ) K3=f(t+dt/2., x + 1./2. * K2 * dt,γ) K4=f(t+dt, x+ K3 * dt,γ) X_next=x+ dt/6.* (K1+2.*K2+2.*K3+K4) return X_next
[docs]def assimilation_donnée(x,read_sensor,P,Q,R,T,dimz,dt,N,nb_echantillon,hx,fx,γ): """ Parameters: x:a size 3 array with the initial constition, initial point (x,y,z) read_sensor: a function that will read the observation every time P:covariance matrix associated with the forecast state error Q:covariance matrix associated with the model error R:covariance matrix associated with the observations error T:a real that represents the time interval dimz: a real that represent the dimention of the observations dt:a real that represent the time for each discretisation N: a real that represents the index difference between the observations and the model nb_echantillon: a real that represents the index difference between the observations and the model hx:Measurement function. Convert state x into a measurement fx:State transition function γ: an array of real that represente the three parameter of the lorenz system (σ, b, r) N: a real that represents the number of discritisation Returns: this function do the data assimilation using the ensemble kalman filter -tab_etat: an array with the state mean after data assimilation -tab_temps: an array with the time -tab_cov: an array with the diagonal of the state covarience matrix pour each time """ f = EnsembleKalmanFilter (x=x, P=P, dim_z=dimz, dt=dt, N=nb_echantillon,hx=hx, fx=lambda x,dt:fx(x,t,dt,γ)) f.R = R # matrice de cov associer a la mesure f.Q =Q #bruit blanc centree en 0 t=0 index=N tab_etat=[] tab_temps=[] tab_cov=[] tab_etat.append(f.x) tab_temps.append(t) tab_cov.append(f.P_post.diagonal()) while (t<T-dt):# z = read_sensor(index) f.predict() f.update(z) diag_cov=f.P_post.diagonal() tab_cov.append(diag_cov) index+=N t=t+dt tab_etat.append(f.x) tab_temps.append(t) return(np.array(tab_etat),np.array(tab_temps),np.array(tab_cov))